5 Ways to Feel Connected In A Long Distance Relationship
by Stephanie Brown | October 15, 2018
Do you constantly feel the distance between you and your partner?
If you are in an LDR, you know what I mean. You desperately want to stay connected to your partner but it’s so hard when you're hundreds of miles apart.
Staying connected in a long distance relationship isn’t easy. But overcoming the struggle makes your relationship stronger.
And guess what? Your relationship can be more than phone calls and text messages.
My (now) husband and I had a long distance relationship for 4 years. During that time we tried everything to bridge the gap between us. And we’ve been happily married for 3 years now, so something must have worked!
So if you are ready to shake up your relationship routine, here are my top 5 tips for staying connected in an LDR.
Schedule Regular Virtual Dates
You probably talk with your partner all the time. Phone calls, Facetime, Snapchat, Instagram DMs, and gifs might make you feel connected.
But when was the last time you went on a date?
You and your partner might already use Skype or Facetime to connect. Now, take it a step further by planning a virtual date.
That’s right, LDR couples can go on a date! Sure, it’s not your traditional date but it still counts!
Consider planning a date out of your apartment. You and your partner could decide to Skype from a park or a coffee shop. Sure, you won’t be at the same location. But sharing an experience, instead of always Skyping from your couch, will help you feel closer.
Netflix and Chill
Yes, going out is great. And you should plan regular virtual dates to keep your LDR fresh. But sometimes, you'd crave a quiet date night in.
The good news is that LDR couples can still enjoy a chill night together. Pick a show or movie and synchronize the start time with your partner. Set up Facetime and have a conversation while you watch Netflix. You can even use apps, such as Gaze and Rabbit, to make the experience seamless.
Plan regular movie nights or binge an entire season together. This is a simple way to “hang-out” with your long-distance partner.
Send a Surprise Care Package
Think about it, it’s a random Tuesday. Your partner comes home to an unexpected delivery. Their eyes light up as they realize you sent a care package filled with goodies. How romantic!
Care packages are a fun way to remind your partner that you're thinking of them. Fill the package with their favorite snacks, a new book or a Starbucks gift card.
Couples jewelry is another great addition to a care package. Choose a set of matching jewelry and send your SO their piece in the care package. You will always feel connected when you wear your couples bracelets or necklaces.
Really, care package options are endless, so make sure to get creative with it!
Share a Playlist
Playlists are the new mixtapes.
Create a shared Spotify playlist together. Add songs that you love or that remind you of each other. Anytime you listen to the playlist, you will feel comforted that your partner is listening to the same songs from miles away. Play it as your daily soundtrack when you're commuting to work, while you workout, or sing along in the shower.
This is a sweet way to feel close to your partner wherever you are. If you feel lonely, hit the play button and let the music help you feel more connected to your lover.
Plan a Trip
Absence might make the heart grow fonder. But nothing beats connecting in person.
So, make sure you plan regular trips. Looking forward to your next visit makes it much easier to stay strong in an LDR.
If you don’t have a trip planned, it can feel like the distance will never end. But when you can countdown to a visit, the distance seems more manageable and gives you something to feel excited about.
If you are in an LDR, stay strong. Everyone who's been there knows it can be really tough at times. But we hope these tips help you connect and strengthen your relationship.